DIY Ribbon Pearl Bracelet Tutorial


General Information

Who said that crafting project always take the pricey supplies to create something great? There are a lot of ways to make astonishing craft. For example, this simple bracelet projects only take beads, ribbon and thread as the supplies. The only missing line is learning about the trick to make one.


  • eye needle (the collapsible one)
  • glass pearls (12mm, 12 to 15 pieces)
  • ribbon (3/8 inches, 1 yard)
  • stretch magic cord (5mm, 2 feet)
  • fray check

Step By Step Guidance

Step 1. Take the needle and put the stretch cord into the eye. Make double strand thread by pulling the needle to the middle and tie a knot at the end.

Step 2. Hold the end of the ribbon. Trace 7 inches distance and make a loose knot.

Step 3. Guide the needle to go through the knot in the ribbon. It should go from the side of the tail then appear on the longer side. Pull the cord thread through the ribbon knot. Leave space between the ribbon and thread knot.

Step 4. Pull the tie in the ribbon to keep the stretch magic cord. Take the needle end of magic stretch and pull until it stays inside the ribbon knot. Make small securing stitches around the ribbon.

Step 5. Slide in a pearl to the needle and put it into the cord. Place it right next to the ribbon knot. Put the ribbon on the pearl body. Pull a thread through the ribbon. It should be enough to cover the bead hole with ribbon.

Once again, lead the thread to pass the ribbon, approximately 5 inches from the last stitch. Repeat the process until the jewelry makers get the desired length.

Step 6. Make a knot using stretch magic, tight enough for it to stay still. Place it next to the pearl end. Create some more knots to secure the tie.

Step 7. Tie a knot by combining both the tail of the ribbon and the stretch magic cord. Again, the knot should be placed right behind the last pearl. After finishing this process, the right and left end of the bracelet will look similar. There is a knot on each side. If there is any excess ribbon or thread, trim them.

Step 8. Now wear the bracelet. To secure it, try to tie a knot or make a ribbon. Don’t forget to make tight knot.  Then, place second safety layer; the fray check.