Celtic Twist How-To


There are some tools and method you can use in making jewelry, one of them is using wigjig. Wigjig is a tool used for bending the wire to form a certain pattern. This wigjig is used to replace the use of the round nose pliers since it will be helpful to maintain the pattern of it.


  • Wigjig
  • Wire
  • Jeweler’s blocks
  • Leather
  • Round nose pliers

The Making Steps

  • Prepare your wire by cutting more or less 10 inch of the wire. You can use colored wire to make your Celtic wire more interesting. You can also adjust the length of the wire based on your needs.
  • Place one end of the wire on the first master coiler in the wigjig. Bend the wire around the master coiler to make a loop.
  • Take the wire to the right or second master coiler and loop it again from the bottom and bring it to the top. Do not make it too tight since it will be hard to remove the wire from the wigjig.
  • Bring it again to the third master coiler from the bottom to the top. Repeat the step for the rest of the loop until it reaches the seventh master coiler.
  • Then, take the wire out of the master coiler and turn the wigjig upside down.
  • Loop the wire again starting from the seventh master coiler in the wigjig to the first mater coiler. Basically, you repeat the previous process again but with different order.
  • After you have done, remove the wire from the master coiler, and secure the end of each end using round nose pliers to prevent scratches.
  • Place the wire on the jewelry blocks and do not forget to cover it with leather so that it will not get dirty and crushed. After that, flatten the wire and set it aside.
  • Your Celtic wire has done and you can make it to bracelet or necklace. You can also make smaller Celtic wire by modifying the length of the loop in the master coiler. Maybe you can only use five or three master coiler to form smaller Celtic wire. Other than that, you can make bigger Celtic wire by adding the master coiler to the wigjig.

Making Celtic wire is very easy if you have the wigjig with you. If not, you can use round nose pliers to make the loop but it will be hard and difficult to make the length balance